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You can also trace it to the laconic style of the Icelandic sagas, the fable, the romantic fragment, the American short story or the short-short story. The texts as a whole are characterised by their cinematic qualities and quasi-documentary technique for reflecting objects and phenomena: on the one hand, they contain clear visual images without commentary and explicit assessment, on the other hand, there are no obvious connections between the sequences, instead we see a rapid shifting of "frames", a rough linking of fragments. В году Кьер была приглашена на популярное телешоу «Vild med dans», но отказалась из-за того, что у неё в сердце образовался тромб. Вернадского, 76 E-mail: gajane-orlova yandex. Предшественник: « Hot Eyes ». Speaking of the diversity of minimalist writing, Mads Bunch notes "small impressionistic or surrealistic texts characterised by repetitions, as we see, among others, in the Danish tradition" [Bunch, , p. Tynianov as an Innovative Philologist. The books are fully symmetrical, both in text layout and visual presentation. Надгробие А.

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Датская глубинка. Fourthly, as mentioned above, the texts are rather discontinuous and contain numerous repetitions, which Bunch considers a persistent characteristic of minimalist literature [Bunch, , p. Balle has a thorough theoretical education: in addition to a course at the Danish Academy of Creative Writing, she graduated from the University of Copenhagen with a degree in philosophy and literature. Above all, in our opinion, the origin should be sought in the works of Hans Peter Jacobsen. Фото картин. Secondly, there is an endless "stringing" of names for impersonal objects and persons, just as if the technique used by Joseph Brodsky in his poem "Great Elegy for John Donne" was smashed into fragments and served with an intermittent partition. This is the poetry of a dead world filled with shadows. Korovin "implies first getting to know the details, whereupon a complete picture of the world appears" [Korovin, , p. Dansk litteraturs historie pa lex. Features of Danish Literary Minimalism.

Balle combines short and very short sentences, creating a feeling of discreteness within a continuous flow of ever-changing images. The emphasis on the subjective experience is carried out through deliberate objectification, whereas the atmosphere is formed through images piercingly naked and devoid of all that is superfluous. Scandinavian Philology.

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    All four books are a free-form composition, a kaleidoscope of emotionally loaded images, fragmentary impressions, "fragments of text and life" [Pedersen, ], peculiar to literary minimalism as a whole. Daugaard S. Лауриц Андерсен Ринг. Jensen in his "Myths" — lyrical and philosophical sketches.

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  • Присоединившись к датской группе «Sunshine Trioen» в году, Бирте начала свою музыкальную карьеру. Архивировано 16 марта года. Эрик Хеннингсен.

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    You can also trace it to the laconic style of the Icelandic sagas, the fable, the romantic fragment, the American short story or the short-short story. Предшественник: « Hot Eyes ». Firstly, the paragraphs are less variable in size, which forms a sense of monotony and predictability. Her serious intellectual background manifests itself in her "not-for-everyone" works — exclusive, intellectual, conceptual, philosophical — all this despite the fact that Balle in her perception of reality is a lyricist, who clearly appreciates the poetry of the moment. Живописные картины для подарка купить. Det voksne barn ma have et navn — punktroman er godt og mis-visende. The differences are balanced by the perpetual motion of life, symbolised by the river. Nibelungs on the margins: transformation of the Nibelungen legend in the folklore of German-Scandinavian frontier. Собрание Хиршпрунга. Бирте Кьер дат. The Problem of Poetic Language. Thirdly, a certain historical past arises, which means a latent strengthening of narrative. Balle combines short and very short sentences, creating a feeling of discreteness within a continuous flow of ever-changing images. It was the time when minimalism in Denmark emerged as a holistic phenomenon and "the discussion about minimalism as a literary movement occurred in Danish literary studies" [Bunch, , p.

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    Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии. Changing Landscape. В порту Копенгагена находится символом страны - всемирно известная статуя Русалочки , которая является персонажем сказки Андерсена. Eight years later, in , a symmetrical answer entitled "Or" appeared. Ipsen notes the impact of Norwegian "punktroman" or pointil-list novel very short texts united by formal criteria or a small text divided into many fragments — points on the Danish minimalists. This era can be described as the high day of minimalism in Danish prose. Korovin "implies first getting to know the details, whereupon a complete picture of the world appears" [Korovin, , p. Дания не входит в Еврозону и у страны своя собственная валюта — датская крона в году датчане провели референдум по вопросу перехода на евро и большинство населения были против. Портрет Кристиана VII, датского короля. Secondly, there is an endless "stringing" of names for impersonal objects and persons, just as if the technique used by Joseph Brodsky in his poem "Great Elegy for John Donne" was smashed into fragments and served with an intermittent partition.

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  • Each section consists of 12 or 24 separate passages — relatively independent pieces of text, divided in paragraphs, separated by spaces. Ipsen M. CC BY. Issue Архивировано 27 января года. Images and verbal units. Fourthly, as mentioned above, the texts are rather discontinuous and contain numerous repetitions, which Bunch considers a persistent characteristic of minimalist literature [Bunch, , p.

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  • These texts, in which minimalism intersects with lyric prose, seem to be influenced by "impressionistic fragmentation", which, according to A. Архивировано 16 марта года. A similar linguistic structure is preserved throughout all the four works. В году певец и гитарист Джонни Реймар заметил Бирте Кьер в ресторане, заключив с ней контракт на запись. The sentences are mostly simple and often incomplete, whereas compound sentences are of the shortest possible variety and, with very few exceptions, contain only one type of syntactic relation. Firstly, the paragraphs are less variable in size, which forms a sense of monotony and predictability. A high emotional tension is created with extreme spareness in a pseudo-impassive atmosphere.

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  • Данкварт Дрейер. Norske inspirationer i dansk kortprosa. Most of the writers from this generation graduated from the Danish Academy of Creative Writing Forfatterskolen , founded in by Danish poet and linguist Per Aage Brandt and modernist poet and critic Poul Borum. And finally, the fifth element of the linguistic structure is light, sound and colour as literary devices: sporadically scattered throughout the texts are occasional references to the sounds, the quality of light and the colour of objects. Гавань Фоборга. Moscow: Iurait Publ. Лауриц Андерсен Ринг.

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  • Первым синглом Бирте стала композиция «Arrivederci Franz», давшая певице мгновенный прорыв, став 1 в датском хит-параде «Dansktoppen». Участники « Евровидение ». Зачёркнуты только те выступления, когда Дания не участвовала в конкурсе; выделены жирным победы.

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  • Indeed, the text equates people and things, phenomena and objects. The texts as a whole are characterised by their cinematic qualities and quasi-documentary technique for reflecting objects and phenomena: on the one hand, they contain clear visual images without commentary and explicit assessment, on the other hand, there are no obvious connections between the sequences, instead we see a rapid shifting of "frames", a rough linking of fragments. Some paragraphs are visually divided into stanzas and look like a verse. Дания на «Евровидении». However, many "experimenters" later turned to traditional forms, and in this regard, Balle is an exception: whatever she writes is an experiment. Архивировано из оригинала 21 сентября года. Her serious intellectual background manifests itself in her "not-for-everyone" works — exclusive, intellectual, conceptual, philosophical — all this despite the fact that Balle in her perception of reality is a lyricist, who clearly appreciates the poetry of the moment. Кристиан Сартман. Poetry and Prose in Russian Literature. Известны также старые замки Фредериксборг у города Хиллерёд и Кронборг в Хельсингёре Эльсинор , где Шекспир провёл действие пьесы "Гамлет". Московский государственный институт международных отношений университет Министерства иностранных дел РФ, Российская Федерация, , Москва, пр. Each paragraph has between one and ten lines, but, in general, the number of lines is between three and eight. Passage, arg. Живописные картины для подарка купить. Бирте Кьер выступает на концерте, год. Бирте никогда не была замужем, но она имела отношения с дирижёром Хельмером Олесеном. Первым синглом Бирте стала композиция «Arrivederci Franz», давшая певице мгновенный прорыв, став 1 в датском хит-параде «Dansktoppen». A high emotional tension is created with extreme spareness in a pseudo-impassive atmosphere. At the linguistic level, the continuity is maintained through repetitions of similar structures — phrases, descriptions of phenomena, images — running through the entire text: rain, a leaf rustling underfoot, etc. Надгробие А. Картины и сюжетные подборки художников мира. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag. Архивировано 19 марта года. Падение Даннеброга датского флага.

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  • Changing Landscape. The episode ends with a dispassionate flight of wet newspapers, packages and soggy cardboard Vade aviser, poser og opl0st karton , which through a simple enumeration are equated with human lives and feelings. Secondly, basically the same patterns are used as in the first two books. Crunching, the sound of falling, rustling, the light of lanterns, multicoloured rusty containers, and the grey-green world are not complete and full-fledged descriptions, but rather references and statements that surreptitiously affect the perception of the reader.

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  • Просмотры Читать Править Править код История. Nor is it clear what is happening at this moment and if something is happening at all [Balle, , p. Leningrad: Academia Publ. Вид на болота возле Силькеборга, Ютландия. Улица в Рибе. Леонора Кристина Ульфельдт в тюрьме. Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу. Коллекция Кристиана Людвига Давида. One can trace the origins of Danish short prose to many places: the shortest and least regularly adventurous of H. Ipsen, while acknowledging the role of Danish literary tradition in shaping Danish minimalism, suggests taking into consideration Norwegian minimalism as another source of influence:. Архивировано 17 апреля года. Скалы острова Мён, Дания. Луис Гурлитт. Each book has 37 pages, including blank ones. Педер Кнудсен. Архивировано 24 февраля года.